
Why Do We Need Cookbooks?

A majority of us already know how to cook, so why do we have cookbooks? Cookbooks remind us to eat real food.  They are a way to get us excited and motivated.  Instead of reaching into the fridge and removing anything that will hold us over until our next meal, recipes help us focus on the foods we should be eating.  Tired from work, tired from school, impossible deadlines, weighted projects, depression, my husband and I easily forget proper nutrition.

The other day, I caught my husband with an avocado sandwich and I was so upset with him.  Granted avocados are rich in many nutrients, but that is all he was going to eat for dinner.  Two slices of bread, vegan mayonaise, and 3 slivers of avocado.  What healthy baby is coming from that?!  So I mixed two recipes together using Gluten Free Vegan and the Ultimate Uncheese Cookbook to prepare a quinoa dish topped with "cheesy" eggplant and roasted vegetables on the side.

Although I was annoyed my husband ignored everything I said about eating more balanced meals moments after it was discussed, his poor choice helped me refer to my pile of cookbooks.  They helped me present a meal rich in vitamin A, various B vitamins, selenium, and protein.  I was happy with this dish because I found an interesting excerpt from the Fertility Diet Guide highlighting many vegetables I used.  But don't tell my husband.  He might make another sandwich!

Here are the two recipes (click to enlarge):




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